Artikel ini adalah kelanjutan dari Apa artinya pressure altimeter bagian 1.
Peristiwa ini bisa dipakai untuk menjelaskan rumus P1.V1=P2.V2 yang bisa kita tuliskan Ppantai.Vpantai=Pgunung.Vgunung dengan P= tekanan, dan V=Volume.
Perkalian tekanan udara tinggi dengan volume rendah di pantai sama dengan perkalian tekanan udara rendah dengan volume tinggi di gunung.
Prinsip ini membuat manusia berpikir untuk membuat sebuah altimeter (alat pengukur ketinggian) yang bekerja dengan menggunakan sifat materi yang dapat memuai jika tekanannya turun. Materi tersebut dalam hal ini adalah = gas/udara.
Lempengan ini disebut aneroid wafer yang artinya kurang lebih "lempengan kosong melompong yang tertutup rapat". Pada gambar di bawah ini lempengan yang disebut aneroid wafer yang digambarkan berwarna biru dan bentuk sebenarnya adalah lingkaran penuh.
Aneroid wafer ini berbentuk lingkaran penuh dan tertutup rapat tidak seperti yang digambarkan dengan terpotong 1/4 bagian. Aneroid wafer yang terpotong ini hanya untuk menunjukkan bentuk dalamnya lempengan tersebut.
Jika aneroid wafer ini kita potong menjadi dua dan kita lihat dari samping maka bentuk penampang sisinya digambarkan oleh gambar benda biru yang berdiri di sebelah kiri.
Jadi jika tekanan udara luar berkurang, wafer akan memuai, sebaliknya jika tekanan udara luar bertambah, wafer akan mengerut/mengecil.
Gambar di bawah ini adalah ilustrasi sebuah altimeter dengan 3 buah lempengan aneroid wafer, yang dihubungkan dengan poros dan gerigi yang menggerakkan jarum penunjuk ketinggian pesawat.

catatan: Gambar sebagian diambil dari FAA Aviation Maintenance Handbook Volume 2, Chapter 10 Aircraft Instrument yang dibisa di download di menu e-book.
Berikut ini kutipan teori altimeter dari e-book Pilot Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge.
The altimeter is an instrument that measures the height of an aircraft above a given pressure level. Pressure levels are discussed later in detail. Since the altimeter is the only instrument that is capable of indicating altitude, this is one of the most vital instruments installed in the aircraft. To use the altimeter effectively, the pilot must understand the operation of the instrument, as well as the errors associated with the altimeter and how each effect the indication.
A stack of sealed aneroid wafers comprise the main component of the altimeter. An aneroid wafer is a sealed wafer that is evacuated to an internal pressure of 29.92 inches of mercury (29.92 "Hg). These wafers are free to expand and contract with changes to the static pressure. A higher static pressure presses down on the wafers and causes them to collapse. A lower static pressure (less than 29.92 "Hg) allows the wafers to expand. A mechanical linkage connects the wafer movement to the needles on the indicator face, which translates compression of the wafers into a decrease in altitude and translates an expansion of the wafers into an increase in altitude.
Notice how the static pressure is introduced into the rear of the sealed altimeter case. The altimeter’s outer chamber is sealed, which allows the static pressure to surround the aneroid wafers. If the static pressure is higher than the pressure in the aneroid wafers (29.92 "Hg), then the wafers are compressed until the pressure inside the wafers is equal to the surrounding static pressure. Conversely, if the static pressure is less than the pressure inside of the wafers, the wafers are able to expand which increases the volume. The expansion and contraction of the wafers moves the mechanical linkage, which drives the needles on the face of the ASI.
Principle of Operation
The pressure altimeter is an aneroid barometer that measures the pressure of the atmosphere at the level where the altimeter is located, and presents an altitude indication in feet. The altimeter uses static pressure as its source of operation. Air is denser at sea level than aloft—as altitude increases, atmospheric pressure decreases. This difference in pressure at various levels causes the altimeter to indicate changes in altitude.
The presentation of altitude varies considerably between different types of altimeters. Some have one pointer while others have two or more. Only the multipointer type is discussed in this handbook. The dial of a typical altimeter is graduated with numerals arranged clockwise from zero to nine. Movement of the aneroid element is transmitted through gears to the three hands that indicate altitude. The shortest hand indicates altitude in tens of thousands of feet, the intermediate hand in thousands of feet, and the longest hand in hundreds of feet.